What is a Website? How to build a website Official Website The most useful sites

What is a Website? How to build a website Official Website The most useful sites

We all have something to say to the world. Only in the past did we get the chance to speak publicly in VIP, but now it can be done by anyone. Create your website - and you already have a platform to hear and express their thoughts.

What is a website?

The word "site" is the place on the Internet that stores various forms of electronic documents with a public domain name or IP address. If we are trying to explain what makes the website easy, imagine the Internet as one library, and always store it somewhere, on the web, it can be a book.

A sure place for this to happen is to give the workers at the stairs an easy-going example.

Electronic files and their format are much more diverse than the content of paper pages - the difference between the book and the website that is the overall content of the page. For example, the book may not contain video content or links that we can point to another book on this subject. And the rest of our comparison is fairly accurate. An example of a bookkeeping book in the library explains the web page of what's on the Internet.

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Creating Website Where to start?

Now, when we imagine such a site, you can start working on its design.
What should I do first? Realize precisely what you want to say to the world. This online business card is a social blog or official website, forum or. In other words, to a specific goal. To β€œmake money,” you ask why you need these online resources, and the response type is not limited. If it's the question "What is the meaning of life?" Answer: "Here!"

You can sit down at a desk or computer and make a list of questions that you would like to solve with your own web resources. Trust me, it was started as the most anticipated site on the internet.

For example, you are well versed in raising children. You already have good writing experience for various social networks. Even their children and neighbors take great photos. There may be enough to create this site.

But if you set a specific goal, to ensure that you can create the necessary structure of the site, then order your web page visitors to take pictures of the registered children after the unique photo book with the most kind and fun article titles under each frame. And even more so using it will not earn.

Thus, we begin with that definition of the specific goals that we want to achieve with our web page.

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Step Two: Determine the target audience..

Official Website

Target Readers - It is a circle of people to whom information will be directed to your site. You agree that different people need different topics for discussion. And the eager cynic β€” the teenage grandmother β€” is not the same as retirement enthusiast. People have, in the past, changed in age, gender, social status, and spirituality. Tough work - try to get information that will be equally important to all. So, before you create your website, you should clearly decide which means you are going to place it on.

In our example with Resources, you said that you are ready to make the decision that lovers of beautiful photo books with gorgeous funny text will surely make our website a great gift for you and your family. This approach will help us decide on the style and aesthetics of the page.

Step Three: Think creative

Preferred websites

It is clear that the official website of the rock band should be different from the one read by the pensioner's quiet, not their soul grandchildren. The difference can be a lot of information: the color of the main page, the text and the illustrations, the page count, and the level of speed that the navigation provides.

In fact, it is very important to consider a specific solution to do your most important job of creating the front page. However, it has asked potential readers of your blog to link to other online resources. What a Web site you have created, at a glance, should be clear. If the main (home) page is not able to express the theme and focus of your site, visitors will go looking for another, and it will benefit the Internet. So it makes sense to spend some more time trying to get back to how your site was designed, considering the details of your prospect's "look".

Thinking? Then the fourth step: to decide which site to make
Either "One" or: In fact, two simple answers to this simple question are "I did nothing."

In the first instance, you have a certain amount of cash to pay to select the agency or person that will design and operate the site for life and develop it. Plus coins, we recommend the developer of plans, prospects, and dreams in detail, half the details of you, a little different understanding and acceptable considerably more parts that he brought to life. Be prepared for the fact that money, patience, and humility are what you will need more than once.

The process of creating a website of your own is somewhat different. Anything like a lump or this first attempt, somehow, as any firstborn, he will be your eyes on the great.

And it only takes time and passion to bring it to perfection. Well, at least, the knowledge, which is rapidly becoming due to the abundance of information on the Internet. How to file what to cook, such as "what is the site?" Look for web answers to burning questions.

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Internet of Things Web page

Imagine you decide to make your own site
This is as follows:

Selecting a domain name and web host. It's the site address together. It really is the name of the literary work title - that is, if we go back to our example with a book in the library, there is the host - where it holds the book, and the domain name. The name, that is, the domain name must be an unforgettable experience and must be spoken of. As a web host, you can choose any of the existing ones. If you are serious about this, look for the best and seek advice from experienced users. In the meantime, it is possible to find good services and good free care.
Then you have to decide on the CMS or, as they tell you about the web, the "engine" of the web. CMS (Content Management System) - an information system or computer program that manages your site content. They are also free, and for an amateur, it is better for such an option. Also, if you are taking the first step in building a website, you need to choose as much as you want with a simple, intuitive interface engine, and untwisted. Because, most recently, you will definitely need "technical support" in the form of various forums and groups of social networks. Based on these circumstances, you can recommend CMS Joomla and WordPress for the inexperienced user.
Choose a theme site or template in other words. Their great variety, and among us, that choice is not easy. Look for the free version, and try to check the subheadings of your web page. Take care of their children to provide information easily and happily in parallel - but what's called a netbook. Fascinatingly, among us, this process creates a website and people are free to execute it - and it works to a satisfying outcome.

Create a free website

Then fill in the site ...
In addition to creativity - to fill a content site, you get a lot more general and somewhat messaging work. It is something about what you need to work hard to learn about your site on the internet by those who take pictures and videos on the web, eat them and write their resources, write their resources, interesen. Da out of your engine All of them stayed for a long time back then, even by chance. Are you looking for friends and acquaintances online? Do you know how much work it takes to find a true friend ?! It is difficult.

... and it's great for search engines
What is so accurate and well written is that even the most amazing articles, the search engine spiders can not see. No - you have to learn how to write in a way that is good and important in this life, and to get this algorithm out of its conception of what it is. The trick - to learn how to write so that people and it was interesting, and on the site of cars and internal optimization known.

The semantic core you have to learn is a resource, making choices and organically inserting keywords and phrases into the text to find your grateful readers and audience.

Besides, the site has to work

The first thing to do - now is spent on external optimization. That is, will your life need to register different search engines and directories to accelerate its reach and make it vydachah. Chto means it can be acquired in that search and increase to that place? The Internet talks advanced user stories, it is necessary to promote resources. That is, to conduct a well-planned business. The site was exposed to the world for its definition and content orientation.

Second - unobtrusively get you social networks and forums and shout about it all. And only then can you come to grips with your tired monetization.

If after reading this article you have lost the desire to make your website and make quick money online, remember the simple truth ...

The work is creative, and - to make it beautiful, one needs life. And it immediately profits - not serious, offer it gently. Speed ​​Money - It's almost always a scam and doesn't give anything or the heart. So decide.
